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Getting Rid of Your “Turkey Neck”: Expert Neck Lifts by Dr. Ashley Guthrie in Brentwood, TN

Ashley Guthrie • Jan 22, 2024

The term “turkey neck” has become a popular colloquialism to describe a neck that has an excess of loose skin or a “hanging” appearance. This has long been a significant concern for older individuals and is due to a combination of age-related changes and genetics. It is now becoming more of an issue for the younger generation with the rise in popularity of weight loss injectables that lead to rapid, dramatic weight loss. There are also injectable “fat-dissolving” treatments on the market that cause fat loss under the chin without tightening the skin, leading to premature skin laxity. As a facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Guthrie has seen this shift in her office, with a younger demographic seeking neck lift surgery more frequently than they had in the past. In this comprehensive guide, we explore how Dr. Guthrie's expertise in neck lift surgery offers a pathway to restoring confidence and getting rid of that “turkey neck”! 

Understanding Turkey Neck

Turkey neck, a slang term for sagging skin under the neck, is caused by several factors- the most significant being loose skin and muscle. With age, or sometimes from weight loss or other underlying medical conditions, the skin loses its elasticity and strength, and can start to develop the appearance of “hanging”. The underlying muscle support also weakens over time, and can cause additional sagging of the neck and submentum (area under the chin).  While age is the main culprit, significant and/or rapid weight loss can also exacerbate this issue prematurely. Additionally, nonsurgical treatments designed to melt fat under the chin, can lead to loose skin and early sagging.

The Neck Lift Procedure

At the core of addressing neck laxity is the neck lift procedure, a specialty of Dr. Guthrie. This surgery involves removing excess skin and tightening the underlying muscles to create a smoother, more defined neck contour. Dr. Guthrie employs advanced techniques tailored to each patient's unique anatomy and aesthetic goals, ensuring results that are both natural and transformative. While occasionally a neck lift can be performed alone, it is more frequently done in combination with a lower facelift. This often necessary to ensure a natural, smooth result without abnormal bunching of the skin or contour deformities. 

Benefits of a Neck Lift

The benefits of a neck lift extend beyond the physical. Patients often report a significant boost in self-esteem and confidence, as they feel more comfortable in their skin. The procedure can turn back the clock on your appearance, aligning your outer look with your inner vitality. Success stories from Dr. Guthrie's patients consistently highlight the positive impact this surgery has had on their lives.

Ideal Candidates for a Neck Lift

Not everyone is an ideal candidate for a neck lift. Good candidates are generally healthy, non-smokers with realistic expectations. Importantly, for those who have experienced significant weight loss, it's crucial to stabilize your weight before considering surgery. Dr. Guthrie conducts thorough consultations to determine suitability and to craft a personalized surgical plan. 

Preparing for Your Neck Lift

Preparing for a neck lift is a vital step towards ensuring a successful and safe procedure. Dr. Guthrie advises all her patients to follow a healthy lifestyle leading up to the surgery. This includes maintaining a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and avoiding smoking or the consumption of alcohol, as these can impede healing and increase the risk of complications.

Importantly, for patients who are on weight loss injectables, Dr. Guthrie recommends discontinuing these medications for several weeks prior to the procedure. The rationale behind this precaution is that weight loss injectables can slow gastric emptying, meaning food remains in the stomach for extended periods. This can present a risk during anesthesia, as it increases the chances of aspiration (inhalation of stomach contents into the lungs). It's crucial to discuss the specifics of when to stop these medications with Dr. Guthrie or your prescribing physician to ensure a safe surgical process.

Additionally, patients should avoid taking medications or supplements that can increase bleeding risk, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and certain herbal supplements, for a specified period before the surgery. Dr. Guthrie provides a comprehensive list of such medications and guidelines on how to taper off them if necessary.

Having a support system in place is also recommended. Post-operative care is an essential part of the recovery process, and having someone available to assist with daily activities in the initial days after the surgery can contribute significantly to a smoother recovery.

Recovery & Aftercare

Recovery from a neck lift varies among individuals but typically involves rest and limited activity for a few weeks. Swelling and bruising are common but subside with time. Dr. Guthrie provides detailed aftercare instructions and is available to address any concerns during the recovery period.

In Conclusion

A neck lift can be a life-altering procedure, especially for those grappling with the aftermath of significant weight loss. Dr. Ashley Guthrie's expertise in this area offers a promising solution for those looking to rejuvenate their appearance and regain confidence. Located in the heart of Brentwood, TN and just minutes from Nashville, TN, her practice stands as a testament to the transformative power of expert facial plastic surgery.

If you're considering a neck lift or have concerns about a turkey neck, contact Dr. Ashley Guthrie's office today by calling (615) 450-1469. Schedule a consultation to explore your options and take the first step towards a revitalized appearance.

*This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before undergoing any medical procedure.*

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