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Morpheus8 vs. Surgical Facelift: Weighing Your Options

Ashley Guthrie • May 03, 2024

When considering cosmetic treatments to rejuvenate and refresh your appearance, it’s essential to understand the options available to you. In Nashville, renowned facial plastic surgeon Dr. Ashley Guthrie offers both nonsurgical options like Morpheus8 and surgical options like traditional face and necklifts. These are each valuable methods of treatment that cater to different needs and expectations. This blog explores the differences between these treatments, helping you decide which might be the best fit for your aesthetic goals.

What is a Traditional Facelift?

A traditional facelift, a staple in facial rejuvenation, targets signs of aging by removing excess skin, tightening underlying muscle tissues, and repositioning the skin for a smoother, more youthful appearance. As a leading facial plastic surgeon in Nashville, Dr. Guthrie specializes in facelift techniques that result in natural-looking outcomes, minimizing downtime and maximizing patient satisfaction.

Facelifts are ideal for addressing:

  • Deep creases around the mouth and nose (Marionette lines and Nasolabial folds)
  • Jowls and loss of jawline definition
  • Sagging skin and wrinkles
  • Loose skin and muscle under chin and neck

What is Morpheus8?

Morpheus8 is a cutting-edge, minimally invasive treatment that combines microneedling with radiofrequency (RF) energy to remodel and contour the face and neck. This innovative technology penetrates deep into the skin to stimulate collagen production, tightening the skin and improving its texture and tone. Dr. Guthrie, a skilled Nashville facial plastic surgeon, expertly administers Morpheus8 to enhance skin quality with minimal downtime.

Morpheus8 effectively treats:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Skin laxity
  • Acne scars and other textural issues

Morpheus8 vs. Traditional Facelift: Which is Right for You?


While a traditional facelift provides significant and long-lasting results, particularly for advanced signs of aging, Morpheus8 offers a non-surgical alternative that can be ideal for those with mild to moderate skin laxity or individuals looking for maintenance treatments.

Recovery Time:

One of the main advantages of Morpheus8 is the minimal recovery time required. Patients can typically return to their daily activities within a day or two. In contrast, a facelift, being a surgical procedure, requires a more extended recovery period, usually around two weeks, during which patients may experience swelling and bruising.

Results and Longevity:

Facelift results are more dramatic and longer-lasting. Patients opting for a traditional facelift with Dr. Guthrie can expect to enjoy their rejuvenated appearance for many years. On the other hand, Morpheus8 results are more subtle and may require maintenance sessions to prolong the effects.


The investment for a traditional facelift is generally higher due to the nature of the procedure. Morpheus8, being less invasive, comes at a lower initial cost, but might require additional sessions over time to maintain the desired results.

Making Your Choice

Choosing between Morpheus8 and a traditional facelift depends largely on your specific aesthetic goals, medical history, and readiness for a surgical procedure.

If you’re considering a facelift or exploring the benefits of Morpheus8 in the Nashville area, contact Dr. Ashley Guthrie to schedule a personalized consultation. With her expertise as a facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Guthrie will guide you towards the best treatment plan tailored to your individual needs and goals. Experience the art of facial rejuvenation from a trusted Nashville expert and achieve the youthful, radiant look you deserve.

*This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before undergoing any medical procedure.*

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